Our Founder
Rita B. S.
Born in Lower middle-class family with limited access towards education. After completing her education, She always had dream give back to society in some or the other way, Started with creating Bachat gad in her own area Govandi in slum, Where women can make some living, Along with Bachatgad she use to create awareness among the mothers the importance of education and to allow their girl child to let her complete higher studies, Her ability to manage challenge and her vision towards society upliftment has provided great heights ABCD FOUNDATION.
Shushma Krishna. S
Ex School Teacher, always want to support kids who are school drop out by providing then free coaching classes, She believes education is the only weapon for kids fight their own battel towards poverty.
Selwyn Dsouza
Working with private industry with always with vision of being part of social sector, But due to time limitation he supports ABCD in branding and promotions, comes with great communication skills helps in building communications materials.
Krishna D Soni
Works with private organisation, believes in supporting foundation. Comes with lot of knowledge in administration and legal work in govt sector, very much active in skill development programme. Believes in providing skills to people which will help them to get daily earning.
Suresh Kumar Singh
Suresh has his own business; he has always supported organisation by building infrastructure for ABCD, according to Suresh, If father is not well still mother can run the house by earning and by taking care of the responsibility at home, But in case if mother is not well, the entire family is disturb, Suresh support’s foundation in programme related to women empowerment.
Chandra Dev Soni
From business background was raised in very difficult situation has been working since age 15, as father could not meet basics need of the family. Mr Chandra Dev understands what a child goes through their child hood has gone through lot of challenge. He is always help full in supporting foundation by giving his time on weekends supporting our projects like, Food distribution, Health Awareness camp
Shweta Seth
Shweta’s father was tailor in U.P and could not afford school fees, there was time where Shweta was asked to give up studies and join fathers shop, With great difficulties she completed her studies and score first in her final exam and top in entire UP., She is the youngest teacher in her school by completing her B-ED from BHU, working as teacher in government school, Apart from school job, she loves been in social activities and providing education to those who parent can’t afford school fees.