
Aims and Objectives
- To mobilise rural women in order to obtain their basic rights from the government.
- To challenge problems faced by the rural women, such as the dowry system and domestic violence.
- To create awareness within the village on development issues, and to promote environmental and health issues.
- To improve the standard of living of sangam members and their families.
- To provide independent livelihoods for rural women and encourage self-sufficiency.
- To raise the status of women in the family, the village and society as a whole through an improvement in their economic situation and a re-evaluation of their capabilities.
Activities Covered
Abcd with help of partnered organisation we have successfully petioned the government at all levels and obtained many basic amenities for their villages.
A few examples are

Manalurpettai village:
Extra water pipe and more sanitation pipes.
Velakulam village: one light service for 50 houses, street lighting, 20 group houses, Rs 1, 50,000 of patta land construction.

Kottaimaruthur village
Kottaimaruthur village: Patta land for 150 families.
Mobilised villagers and raised awareness among rural people of their basic rights and how to obtain them. In addition they have brought people together in a co-ordinated effort to achieve their objective. The sangams provide a united organization through which women can challenge the problems they face. Problems (such as alcoholic husbands) can be dealt with collectively, which would be impossible to lead with an individual level.
Through attending meetings and visiting government offices, the sangam member’s political and social awareness has been considerably raised. At the same time their position within their family is changing. Women are no longer expected to be sub servants to their husbands and are beginning to be seen as valuable decision makers and agents of change.
In addition the sangams are responsible for small savings projects and promoting economic independence among rural women.

Future Plans
Children are perhaps the most precious assets in any society. However, many of them live in terrible poverty and are placed in horrifying situations and difficulties, especially in a country like India. ABCD FOUNDATION has been resolute in finding ways and methods to ensure that they have a bright future.

Future Plans
However, to do this ABCD FOUNDATION requires more resources and funding. If we continue to operate on a deficit it cannot be sustainable in the long term. Therefore, it wishes to conduct fundraising campaigns in order to create a corpus that will ensure ABCD FOUNDATION's existence for a long time.
Funds are desperately needed to maintain the highest hc14standards of service and ensure that more and more children can reap the benefits of a happy and secure living environment. Therefore, accommodation facilities have to be upgraded in order to provide space to more children.